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Extract from Petro Plastics Case Study

Petro Plastics has found a solution for the slip hazards created by pellet resins and chips and dust residue from grinders and saws. There are also environmental issues from resin pellets and scrap cuttings that wash into surrounding waterways.

Lou Petrozziello, General Manager of Petro Plastics, looked for an inexpensive and effective method of solving both the environmental and the slip hazard problem simultaneously. Upon analyzing the situation within the plant, Lou found “it was really just a constant cleaning problem” that was not being solved by a man with a broom. They needed a system that could clean spills both inside and outside the plant, including the loading dock and around the dumpster area.

The Elgee Power Vac Sweeper was his answer. “It’s a vacuum sweeper with enough power to suck up anything we throw at it. Not only does it clean up pellets, chips and cuttings, but we use it in our warehouse area to vacuum shrink wrap, strapping, and chucks of wood from pallets,” Lou said. Workers just walk the Power-Vac up and down aisles or use the instant action hose (attached) to vacuum inaccessible areas. The propane powered system gave them maximum power and versatility to work inside and outside. And an added benefit is that maintenance people cover the plant in a fraction of the time and do a more effective job.

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