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Machine Shop & Factory Clean-up Demo

Power Vacuum – Propane Model
If You’re Using a Broom, Save
Time & Money with Power Vac

The Elgee Power Vacuum is a versatile machine enabling you to attack many different jobs in various environments. The Power-Vac can be equipped with any one of four different power source: Gasoline, Propane, Battery and Electric motor. The demo to the right illustrates the Propane driven Power Vac.

Features: 30″ or 40″ sweep widths; 5.5 HP Honda, or 6 HP Briggs & Stratton engine;, cleans up to 40,000 sq ft per hour; side collection; low maintenance, string, wire, etc.will not wrap around & bind on shaft; many optional capabilities: e.g., flex hose, and magnetic bar; transportable in van or on trailer.

Machine shops, factories, distribution centers or warehouses are typically cluttered with machinery, pallets, inventory, etc. making it difficult for large vacuum or sweeper machines to effectively clean the area. In addition to the variety of debris thrown off by manufacturing or packing processes (saw dust, metal filings, pellets, etc), there is basic litter such as soda cans, plastic cups, broken pallet slivers, paper, etc.

With the Elgee Propane Power-vacuum, make daily clean up a snap. Clean the general floor and use the instant action hose to get into tight areas. Don’t waste time and money using a broom.

Learn more about the Power Vac Vacuums >>

Please Note, we recommend not using the Elgee Power-Vac for fine dust or powdery dirt applications. The Elgee Power Sweep is the appropriate equipment for those cleaning jobs.

Other Product Demos

View many of our other cleaning application demos featuring the:

  • Power Vac Gasoline and Electric Powered Models
  • Power Sweep Battery and Gasoline Models
  • Commercial Turbo Upright Vacuums

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"I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how pleased we are with the Elgee Power Vac. It is a breeze to keep our truck beds clean. Keep up the good work. Thanks to all the folks at Elgee for making our job easier."


Joe Major, President - Major Trucking Inc

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