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Dust Free Cleaning on Construction Site

Power-Sweep Battery Model
Fine Dust Control & Removal

Ideally suited for but not limited to:

  • indoor applications
  • dust free environment
  • expansive cleaning area needing to be un-tethered and free to move about
    (no power cord to haul, untangle)

Features: 28″ and 36″ widths, ultra maneuverability, variable speeds, micro fine dust control, electronic filter shaker, low maintenance panel filter.

Eliminate the manual effort and time consumed using a broom, hand powered sweeper or commercial upright vacuum. With the Elgee Power Sweep, clean large areas (up to 37,000 sq ft/hour) of various types of litter: e.g., paper, dust, dirt, plastic water bottles, food/snack wrappers, etc. Time is money and the money saved using the Power Sweep, will pay for the increase in the purchase of the Power Sweep.

Learn more about the Power Sweep.

Construction sites have varying debris & litter but when you have sheet rock dust, sanding dust, etc., the work area becomes a nightmare. Workers walk in the dust and drag it throughout the site, workers are breathing in airborne dust and it appears that you cannot rid the site of that dust. Take control and sweep it up with the Power Sweep and collect the fine particles in its filter while separating out the bulk debris to be collected in its hopper.

Other Product Demos
View many of our other cleaning application demos featuring the:

  • Power Vac Gasoline and Electric Powered Models
  • Power Sweep Battery and Gasoline Models
  • Commercial Turbo Upright Vacuums

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"I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how pleased we are with the Elgee Power Vac. It is a breeze to keep our truck beds clean. Keep up the good work. Thanks to all the folks at Elgee for making our job easier."


Joe Major, President - Major Trucking Inc

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