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Video Index

Cleaning Solutions in Action – Demos

Elgee offers many different type of cleaning equipment: sweepers, various types of vacuums to meet your cleaning needs. We can tell you about them but seeing is believing.

In the table below, click on the Equipment Demo link to view a short video clip and information about the equipment in action for the designated application. On the demo page, you will see one or more videos illustrating the cleaning capabilities of the specific vacuum or sweeper. If there is an active link for the Application, click on that to learn more specifics about a cleaning solution for that application.

Note: if you have any difficulty viewing the clips, please click here to email us so that we can arrange an alternative means of viewing.

Do you have a movie clip of you using an Elgee cleaner? If so, we would like to see it. If we can use it, you could qualify for a $50 Gift Certificate to be used on your next purchase of Parts/Accessories from Elgee. We also be happy to mention your Company’s name and even provide a link to your company’s web site. Video clips should be no longer than 2 minutes. Submit video clips to

Elgee Power Vac General Maintenance (How To Guide)

Elgee Propane Tank Installation & Startup (How To Guide)

Elgee Industrial Power-Vac: Litter and Garbage

Horse Stable Video

Power Vacuum Video

"I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how pleased we are with the Elgee Power Vac. It is a breeze to keep our truck beds clean. Keep up the good work. Thanks to all the folks at Elgee for making our job easier."


Joe Major, President - Major Trucking Inc

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